PowerMate Company News


Posted by Contributing Editor on Mon, Dec 15, 2014




他们对PowerMate® 最初的兴趣是在安装电梯曳引机时,认为那种传统的安装方法(手动葫芦和拖拽)已经不能满足市场的需要。他们要找到一个安全,省力和有效的方法来完成这项工作。


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修治科技是PowerMate® 在中国的理想合作伙伴。


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Paul Gazik

Business Development,

PowerMate® – L P International Inc.

Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103

e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info

URL: www.powermate.info

大连修治科技有限公司   宋修治



电话:   +86-0411-84504358




LP国际有限公司制造的品牌PowerMate®电动载物爬楼机、升降梯和辅助配件,产品严格按照CE标准制造。自1976年以来,LP国际有限公司一直是行业的领导者。 在全球已经生产和销售了成千上万台PowerMate®安全省力搬运产品。公司总部位于加拿大安大略省布兰特福德。LP国际有限公司在为用户提供高质量的产品的同时,还为用户提供技术培训和优质的售后服务。关于公司更多信息请访问:www.powermate.info


Posted by Contributing Editor on Fri, Dec 05, 2014

Late in August, the PowerMate® team had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Rajan Kandoi and his long-time friend and associate Mr. Ajit Karnavat. This meeting was in response to their request to become the PowerMate® Distributor Partner for the country of India. The meetings were a complete success!

We were very pleased to have the two gentlemen here at L P International Inc. to learn more about them, their business plans, and culture. As hosts, we were pleased and honoured to share our vision for PowerMate® and a little bit of Canada in the process too! We believe it was a valuable learning experience and provided a solid foundation for both parties to work towards moving forward - together.

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 It became obvious to us that they had "done their homework" and sharing the same core business values, would make the ideal business partner in bringing the PowerMate® brand to India.

 Map of India

To put the staggering potential of India into perspective, the population of India is 1.2 billion people. The City of Mumbai alone (32 million people), has almost the same population as the entire country of Canada (35 million people)!

 Map of Canada

The State of Maharashtra, which their city of Pune is located in, has a population of 114 million people, encompassing an area approximately the same size of Labrador (highlighted in red, right image)!

Already a successful and reputable businessman in India, Mr. Kandoi believes that as recently as 10 years ago introducing an innovative product like PowerMate® may not have been possible. He cited the following emerging trends in India that suggest to him the time is now right for PowerMate® in India:

  1. Responsible business. Safety has and is always important to the large number of multi-national corporations located in the country. Larger corporations place a high priority on their employees well-being and view safety as a “quality of life” issue.

  2. Like many other countries around the world, the trend of younger people opting for higher education and fewer people wanting to do physical work is starting in India.

  3. There is a trend in India to actively seek out opportunities for technological solutions and innovation to age old issues with an emphasis on safety, efficiency, profitability and growing sustainable business.

  4. The Government lead political and economic direction is providing stability over the past 5+ years with the leadership of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. Mr. Kandoi is highly optimistic this will continue and even improve over the coming years.

In summary, Mr. Kandoi sees that the time and market conditions in India are right for the introduction of PowerMate® stair climbing hand carts and safety lifting devices and we agree!


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 MotoStair LLP

There is much work ahead of us and the team at MotoStair LLP, the newly formed company that they will market PowerMate® under in the coming months. One of the greatest challenges Mr. Kandoi identified is; managing change.

Introducing new safety lifting technology that is different than how moving goods has been done for centuries and centuries will not be without its challenges. We have every confidence that Mr. Kandoi and his team at MotoStair LLP are the right people to successfully manage this change and build a highly successful PowerMate® Brand in India.

Their first shipment of PowerMate® equipment has arrived in Pune. He and his team are excited to share this new technology with businesses throughout the entire country of India as our newest PowerMate® Distributor Partner! In addition to the sale of PowerMate® solutions, the team will offer service and operator training to their customers in the country.


Why not contact MotoStair to schedule your PowerMate® demonstration today?

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For those in India that would like to represent PowerMate® in India, we invite you to contact MotoStair LLP. Over the coming months they have aggressive plans to build a comprehensive PowerMate® Dealer/Re-Seller network throughout the country!

Welcome to the L P International Inc. family MotoStair LLP - PowerMate® India!

 PowerMate logo  MotoStair

Paul Gazik

Business Development,

PowerMate® – L P International Inc.

Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103

e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info

URL: www.powermate.info

Mr. Rajan Kandoi and Mr. Ammol Kandoi


MotoStair LLP

Ph:  020-27032826/27

e-mail: motostair@gmail.com

URL: www.motostair.com

Contact your India Distributor 

About L P International Inc. :

L P International Inc. manufactures the PowerMate® brand of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts (LiftGates), and value-added accessories including; product built to CE Standards, when requested. L P International Inc. has been in business under the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquartered in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.PowerMate.info

Tags: material handling, powermate, stair climbing hand trucks, stair walker hand trucks, appliance dolly, heavy duty stair climber, stair climbing hand cart, stair dolly, electronic step climber, stair crawler, motorised stair climbing trolley, tail gate lift., Hamal, सीढि़यां चढ़ने वाली डॉली, स्टेयर क्लाइम्बर मशीन, मोटर संचालित डॉली powered stair climber, electric stair climber, barrel mover, drum handling