PowerMate Company News

Ergonomiska trappklättrare i Norden!

Posted by Contributing Editor on Wed, Jul 16, 2014

Molico Sweden AB - (generalagenter sedan: april, 2004)
Mats Harnesk

Molico Logo

mats harnesk

Molico Sweden AB erbjuder ett brett utbud av produkter inom ergonomisk flytt-, lyft- & skyddsutrustning.

Molico arbetar utan mellanhänder direkt från Molicos generalagenturer och kan erbjuda allt från enstaka produkter till hela  system och erbjuder givetvis även eventuell utbildning och uppföljning.

Med ett ergonomiskt arbete har du kontroll och kan låta utrustningen ta hand om svårigheterna. Du får grepp om verksamheten och kan utlova att arbetetet utförs på utsatt tid.

Med rätt utrustning så kan du öka din omsättning samtidigt som personalen  har en trivsam, skadeslös arbetsmiljö vilket även gör dig till en attraktiv arbetsgivare.

LPM-PA049652 PowerMate Blog CTA 2014/06/26

Vi erbjuder dig att lära dig mer om hälsa och säkerhet hos Powermate® Säkerhets transportutrustning; 

  • Läs referat från många olika branscher,

  • Läs resultaten av oberoende forskning gällande det ergonomiska värdet av Powermate® och

  • Upptäck vad som gör Powermate® produkter och tjänster helt unika på marknaden idag!

LPM-PA049652 PowerMate Blog CTA 2014/06/26

describe the image 

Paul Gazik
Business Development,

PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103
e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info

URL: www.powermate.info

Mr. Mats Harnesk

Molico Sweden AB
Ph: +46 (0) 155 202 560
e-mail: info@molico.se

URL: www.molico.se

Kontakta Svensk distributör

Om L P International Inc.:
LP International Inc. tillverkar Powermate® - trappklättrare med kringutrustning.

Produkterna produceras och levereras enligt CE-normer. LP International Inc. har varit i branschen under samma ägare sedan 1976 och producerat och sålt tusentals Powermate® över hela världen. Företaget har sitt huvudkontor i Brantford, Ontario, Kanada.
Vill du veta mer så checka www.powermate.info

Tags: safety moving equipment, stair climbing hand truck, powermate, safety moving system, Motorized trolley, eldriven kärra, trappklättrare, Trappklättrande Kärror, Trappklättrande Maskin, motoriserad kärra, Rullvagnar, rullvagn för trappor, säkerhets flyttlösningar, Molico

PowerMate® Safety Lifting Equipment Now Available in Israel

Posted by Contributing Editor on Thu, Mar 06, 2014

L P International Inc. is pleased to announce BTO Engineering Ltd. as its latest PowerMate® distributor in the country of Israel.  BTO Engineering Ltd will be providing the Country of Israel with PowerMate® safety lifting solutions.  

Mr. Eyal Regev: “I am confident the PowerMate® product line-up fits very well with my passion for selling products which create high value and enhance customer's performance and productivity”.  

Mr. Regev went on to explain: “We want to start working to gain some initial orders from potential customers in preferred trades so we can have some local references and showcases (in our culture this is a very important dimension in the buying decision process people feel more comfortable to ask existing local users about their experiences- especially in case of unique innovative products like PowerMate®)”.  

It is our goal through working closely together with Mr. Regev and his team in providing the Israeli marketplace with complete solutions to their safety lifting needs with the full line of PowerMate® Motorized Stair Climbing Hand Trucks and tail gate lifts – “LiftGates”. I know that working together we both stand to learn a great deal from each other!

We are look forward to building a mutually beneficial business relationship for many years to come.

Welcome to the PowerMate® family PowerMate® Israel!

PowerMate logo BTO Engineering Ltd

Paul Gazik

Business Development,
PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103
e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info
URL: www.powermate.info

Mr. Eyal Regev

BTO Engineering Ltd. – PowerMate® Israel
Ph: 011972-3-9024026
e-mail: regev@bto-eng.co.il
URL: www.bto-eng.co.il/

L P International Inc. manufactures a comprehensive line of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts and value-added accessories; offering product built to the more rigorous CE Standards, where required. L P International Inc. has been in business under the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquarted in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.powermate.info

Tags: Announcements, powermate, safety moving system, distribution, Israel, powered lifting equipment

WANTED: International Distributors for CE Countries

Posted by Contributing Editor on Mon, Nov 25, 2013

L P International Inc., the manufacturer of PowerMate®, is looking for the right companies to partner with in the sales, operator training and servicing of the PowerMate® line of motorized stair climbing hand trucks and tail gate lifting systems!

The PowerMate® line of stair climbing equipment meets the CE standards including the required protective guarding. As of today, CE Countries available include:  Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey, to name a few.

L P International Inc., has  been highly successful in its over 35 years of business and is working together with larger national, mid-sized and small companies in establishing successful Distributorships for PowerMate®.

Successful PowerMate® Distributors typically can answer “yes” to the following questions:

  • Has your Company been successful in business for several years?

  • Is your business established with and excellent reputation for Sales & Service?

  • Do you currently have a website and complete your own sales and marketing activities?

  • Are your passionate about providing your corporate and business customers with solutions for their moving and delivery challenges?

  • Do you have an established sales network? Multiple locations? A dealer network?

  • Do you have the resources to complete customer on-site PowerMate® equipment demonstrations? Trade Shows?

  • Can you provide equipment training and service to your PowerMate® customers?

  • Do you have capital you want to invest in a profitable new venture?

  • Are you willing and able to visit the L P Intentional Inc. Head Office facility in Brantford, Ontario Canada?

Contact us today to learn more about becoming a distributor or dealer for the PowerMate® product line up. Contact Paul TODAY to schedule a teleconference to learn more. Countries and Territories are going fast so don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow your business!


Paul Gazik
Business Development,
PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Ph: 519-759-3292 ext. 103
Fax: 519-759-3298
e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info
URL: www.powermate.info

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Tags: powermate, safety moving system, distribution, dealer, opportunity

PowerMate 推出新博客

Posted by Carl Nattrass on Fri, Dec 04, 2009

L P International launched their first blog to support the PowerMate brand and to provide information on safety moving solutions for customers in the HVAC and plumbing sectors, hearth and patio retailers, property management industry, elevator repair business, vending machine industry, lock and gun safe suppliers and movers and other business sectors that regularly move heavy loads up and down stairs, on and off trucks or across flat or uneven surfaces.

We will post or link to articles of interest in each sector and strive to provide content of interest, useful tips and access to resources and news in the areas of safety moving systems or related topics. Our company news section will provide information of timely special offers, dealer opportunities, affiliate opportunities and training material including video and webinar.

Feel Free to use this form to post questions about safety moving solutions or provide feedback on your experience in your industry (please post responsibly.)

Tags: powermate blog, new blog, Announcements, safety moving system