PowerMate Company News

“2014 年全球石油展”

Posted by Contributing Editor on Thu, Jun 19, 2014

Global Petroleum Show 2014 

At the recent Global Petroleum Show in Calgary, Alberta, PowerMate® motorized stair climbing hand trucks and LiftGates were proudly demonstrated. Located on the second floor of the ”Big Four” Building at Stampede Park, the PowerMate safety lifting equipment garnered comments like; “WOW”, “AMAZING”, “AWESOME”, “COOL” and other rave comments from visitors and exhibitors alike!

It is clear the Petroleum Industry holds all matters involving Safety as their number one priority. L P International Inc., the manufacturer of PowerMate, has been manufacturing nothing other than PowerMate safety lifting equipment for over 35 years. It was a somewhat of a surprise to learn the PowerMate technology was new to almost all of the visitors to the PowerMate booth at the Show.

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What is a PowerMate?

Manufactured and distributed worldwide from Brantford, Ontario, this Canadian made technology is designed to safely lift products like; motors, pumps, transformers, generators, drums, barrels and drill tips; up and down stairs, dock leveling, on and off vehicles and across surfaces of all kinds. Some models even have the unique ability to act as a stacker, lifting loads up to 40” or 101.6 cm high.

PowerMate® is ergonomically designed to safely lift just about any load up to 1,500 pounds or 680 kilos. Attendees at the event where especially intrigued with the live demonstration of the  PowerMate® LE-1 Model moving a 425lb motor, the PowerMate® LiftGate and PowerMate® M-1 Models moving barrels. Although it was not at the Show, the new highly specialized PowerMate® LE-1D solution created exclusively for moving drums and barrels was a hot topic of discussion with visitors.

Regardless of the application, almost all visitors saw the value of the rough terrain cart or “big wheel” attachments (pictured below). These oversized pneumatic wheels can be attached or removed in seconds without any tools. The rough terrain cart or “big wheel” attachments make moving across mud, grass, sand, gravel, rock, ice, snow etc. simple, safe and easy.


Benefits of a PowerMate

PowerMate is regarded by many users as a piece of Personal Protect Equipment or P.P.E. PowerMate is ergonomically proven 87% less effort for the operator and as importantly places the operator in 100% control of the load they are moving. PowerMate® empowers the user to work safely preventing costly avoidable injuries, saving both valuable time and money. With the cost of an average lost time injury at $35,000 in direct and indirect costs, why expose your company to that risk when there is a PowerMate Solution?

Visitors were quick to realize how PowerMate can be a great way to attract new long term employees, retain skilled veterans, or empower employees in more remote areas to do more with less! Beyond the obvious value as a safety tool, the average payback on a PowerMate investment is 2.2 months and some PowerMate users have reported having seen a 100% payback after only one use! With minimal maintenance a PowerMate can last for years helping make Companies safer, more efficient and more profitable!

A common question at the show was about the longevity of the PowerMate battery pack. The battery pack is a sealed cell gel electrolyte battery with no memory - just keep it plugged in at night when the machine is not in use. It has been tested taking a 500 pound or 227 kilo load up and down a twenty storey building all on a single charge. The typical life expectancy of the battery pack is 4-7 years. This is just one example of how PowerMate® delivers the lowest total cost of ownership to their customers!

Interest in at the Show in PowerMate was not just limited to North America. Several International Companies approached the PowerMate team and expressed an interest to learn more about the PowerMate International Partner Programs at the Show. The company is always happy to discuss opportunities to bring the Brand to new regions and expand the growing network of PowerMate International Dealer/Distributor Partners worldwide.

The PowerMate team in the booth at the Show included: Lee Jeavons, Paul Gazik and Bruce Gowling.

All inquires, including International can be directed to:

PowerMate – L P International Inc. (Head Office)

Phone: 1-800-697-6283 in North America or 519-759-3292
E-mail: info@powermate.info
Website: www.powermate.info

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to drop by and visit with us at Global Petroleum Show to learn more about PowerMate safety lifting solutions. We look forward to working with you and everyone in the Petroleum Industry for many years to come!

Tags: lifting dolly, LiftGate, barrels, powermate, safety moving systems, dolly


Posted by Contributing Editor on Tue, Apr 29, 2014


Mr. Allan Harris

LPM-PA049652 PowerMate Blog CTA 2014/04/29

"Aligning you with high quality products and exceptional service!"

Align Office Systems is a Barbadian family owned company, offering a comprehensive range of office furniture and safes (Chubbsafes). They supply, deliver, and install to each unique requirement, tailoring to suit individual objectives and budgets. With specialized knowledge and a commitment to service, we provide professional advice, presenting office solutions that are superior in quality and design.

Align Office Systems is a great example of a PowerMate® Partner that leads by example by using the PowerMate® M-2B for delivery of safes and office equipment. Dealers who use the PowerMate® equipment themselves tell us this is one of the most effective means of generating interest, leads, and more sales. What better testimonial can you give a piece of equipment than to be using it yourself?

With Mr. Harris' dedication to providing customers with superior solutions and his excellent reputation on the island, we are confident that he will be very successful in helping to bring the PowerMate® brand to the Barbados!

Interested in learning just a few of the details that make a PowerMate® Motorized Stair Climbing Hand Truck superior to the conventional hand truck you are using today? We invite you to review the following blog post: Powered Stair Climbers Vs. Conventional Hand Trucks

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Paul Gazik
Business Development,

PowerMate® - L P International Inc.
Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext.  103
E-mail: pfg@powermate.info
URL: www.powermate.info

Mr. Allan Harris
Managing Director,

Align Office Systems Inc.
Ph: 246-427-9706
E-mail: align@caribsurf.com
URL: http://sba.bb/website/aligniffice/?page_id=84

Contact Barbados Reseller

About L P International Inc.:

L P International Inc. manufactures the PowerMate® brand of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts (LiftGates), and value added accessories including: product built to CE standards, we requested. L P International Inc. has been in business funder the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquartered in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.powermate.info

Tags: PowerMate M2B, powermate, stair climbing hand trucks, safety moving systems, motorized stair climbers, tailgate lift, moving safes, dolly, motorized hand trucks, stair climber

STANLEY HANDLING – U.K. (PowerMate Partner Since: 1988)

Posted by Contributing Editor on Mon, Apr 07, 2014

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Stanley Handling is our first, most successful, and longest standing International Partner going back to 1988! Mr. Robert Stanley and his team have literally sold thousands of PowerMate® machines throughout the U.K.! The Teams dedication, commitment, and belief in the PowerMate® Brand has always remained a constant!

Established in 1948, Stanley is one of the UK's leading independent materials handling specialists.

Stanley offers a wide range of products to suit many applications and budgets including: the ROBUR range of standard, specialist and bespoke pedestrian trucks, Tool Handlers, Die Handlers, Inspection Mould Handling Machines, Plane Handlers, Tugs, Paper Reel Handlers and Carpet Reel Handlers. They also supply the complete PowerMate® powered stair climber range and a 500-page mail order catalogue.

Their strong technical expertise is supported by an extensive service department with full workshop facilities for maintenance and overhauls combined with a dedicated training school offering a variety of health & safety and handling & FT courses. Stanley Handling is the place to go for quality sales, service and training - all completed by experienced PowerMate® authorized personnel!

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Paul Gazik
Business Development,
PowerMate® - L P International Inc.
Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103
E-mail: pfg@powermate.info
URL: www.powermate.info

Mr. Robert Stanley
Stanley Handling Ltd.
Ph: 01582 767711
E-mail: sales@stanleyhandling.co.uk
URL: www.stanleyhandling.co.uk

Contact UK Distributor

Tags: lifting dolly, LiftGate, powered dolly, electric dolly, powered hand truck, moving equipment, powermate, stair climbing hand trucks, safety moving systems, motorized stair climbers, stair walker hand trucks, appliance dolly, heavy duty stair climber, stair climbing hand cart, electric hand truck, stair dolly, powered stair climber, electronic step climber, stair crawler, tail gate lift., tailgate lift, Stanley Handling, United Kingdom, UK, motorized stair climbing trolley

PowerMate Draw Contest Winner

Posted by Carl Nattrass on Fri, Dec 04, 2009

Paul Scott won the PowerMate Draw contest!

Tags: Contest, HVAC moving solutions, HVAC-R, safety moving systems, powered hand trucks, motorized stair climbers